Gaming-Based Education System for Children on Road Safety in Metaverse Towards Smart Cities

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2023


This paper uses the metaverse strategy to propose a gaming-based education system for children on road safety in smart cities. The system leverages technology such as AI, AR/VR, digital twins, NFT, IoT, and data analytics to create an engaging and immersive digital environment that teaches children about road safety. We explore the potential of smart city concepts such as IoT and data analytics to enhance road safety education. Our strategy involves creating a game in the metaverse that simulates real-world road safety scenarios and allows children to perform tasks such as crossing the road, walking on the road, waiting for an indicator, and judging the speed of cars. The virtualization of the real world facilitates the globalization of culture and provides an opportunity to transform real-world education into a digital environment. This system has the potential to significantly improve road safety education and contribute to the development of smart cities.



Publication Date



Children, Education, Gaming, Metaverse, Road Safety, Legged locomotion, Data analysis, Smart cities, Metaverse, Education, Transforms


IR conditions: non-described
