Robust Collaborative Learning in the Presence of Malicious Clients

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We look at another collaborative learning paradigm, Split-Learning (SL), and explore it with Vision Transformers (VITs) to carry out a new structure. Specifically, we deal with model extraction attacks, where malicious client attempts to steal the components of the model that are not accessible to them. We propose a Secure Split Learning-based Vision Transformer (SSLViT) for image classification tasks, which enables collaboration between multiple clients without leaking clients’ private data and simultaneously guards against malicious clients attempting to infer the model parameters of the server. This is achieved by employing an ensemble of projection networks on the server and randomly projecting the intermediate features learned by ViT blocks before they are sent to the clients. While these random projections are still useful to the client and do not significantly impede the split learning process, they prevent a malicious client from learning the server’s model parameters.We evaluate the proposed method on two publicly available datasets in the natural and medical imaging domains, CIFAR-100 and HAM10000, under IID and non-IID settings. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the SSLViT framework in protecting the server’s model parameters against extraction attacks, while still achieving positive collaborative performance gain, even when the malicious client has partial knowledge of the server’s model architecture. All of the experiments were done with Pytorch using real-world datasets. The code can be found at are not accessible to them. We propose a Secure Split Learning-based Vision Transformer (SSLViT) for image classification tasks, which enables collaboration between multiple clients without leaking clients’ private data and simultaneously guards against malicious clients attempting to infer the model parameters of the server. This is achieved by employing an ensemble of projection networks on the server and randomly projecting the intermediate features learned by ViT blocks before they are sent to the clients. While these random projections are still useful to the client and do not significantly impede the split learning process, they prevent a malicious client from learning the server’s model parameters.We evaluate the proposed method on two publicly available datasets in the natural and medical imaging domains, CIFAR-100 and HAM10000, under IID and non-IID settings. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the SSLViT framework in protecting the server’s model parameters against extraction attacks, while still achieving positive collaborative performance gain, even when the malicious client has partial knowledge of the server’s model architecture. All of the experiments were done with Pytorch using real-world datasets.

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Thesis submitted to the Deanship of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.Sc degree in Machine Learning

Advisors: Dr. Karthik Nandakumar, Dr. Martin Takac

Online access provided for MBZUAI patrons
