Guest Editorial: Empowering Sustainable Energy Infrastructures via AI-Assisted Wireless Communications

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IEEE Wireless Communications


The global economy is experiencing significant business growth leading to increasing demands for energy. Global energy consumption increased by 2.1 percent in 2017, and according to the 2019 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports, the expected energy growth in Asia will reach 50 percent by 2050. Since it is unlikely that these demands will be met using conventional energy systems, the world is moving toward sustainable renewable energy systems (RESs) that are supported by cyberphysical technologies. Additionally, climate change is putting more pressure on governments to reduce their dependency on conventional energy resources and invest more in sustainable renewable energies. The shift from conventional energy sources to renewables is clear, as revealed in 2018 where 30 percent of the U.K. gross electricity consumption was generated by RES (according to the Green Match report on Renewable Energy in the United Kingdom). This transformation has led to the emergence of prosumers (i.e., producers and consumers) capable of both generating and consuming energy. Many households and buildings are now equipped with solar panels that can contribute to the overall energy needs. Power systems need to adapt to renewable energy to provide more efficient and sustainable operations. As such, the concept of smart grid needs to be promoted and looked at more closely in the research and development fields to support such sustainable power systems and energy solutions.

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Special issues and sections, Sustainable development, Artificial intelligence, Energy management, Mobile communication, Reinforcement learning, Energy efficiency, 6G mobile communication, 5G mobile communication


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