Convolutional Neural Network Based Classification of WeChat Mini-Apps
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Title
IEEE International Conference on Communications
In recent years, a novel mobile computing paradigm has been evolving rapidly, with a host app allowing users to install and run mini-apps inside the app itself. However, the current classification mechanism of mini-apps is blurry and coarse-grained, making users unable to clearly understand mini-app functions, which can result in a series of privacy issues. In this study, an automatic convolutional neural network (CNN)-based classification approach is proposed for Wechatmini-apps. The proposed method integrates the static and dynamic features of WeChat mini-apps to achieve precise classification. Our approach was evaluated in a real-world testbed and the results showed that it can effectively classify Wechatmini-apps into proper categories, helping users better understand the functions of WeChat mini-apps while reducing user privacy violations.
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Training, Privacy, Social networking (online), Redundancy, Static analysis, Message services, Feature extraction, CNN, Mini-app classification, Mobile computing, Wechat
Recommended Citation
Y. Jin, X. Liu, X. Fu, B. Luo, X. Du and M. Guizani, "Convolutional Neural Network Based Classification of WeChat Mini-Apps," ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 747-752, doi: 10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10279007.
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